Anniversary in French Lick

Friday, April 9, 2010

Eric's Blood Cells Already Rebounding!!

I just got the call from the hospital with the blood lab results from yesterday. His white blood cells were already 2200 (which is higher than it was on Monday), with 73.8% Neutrophils (which fight infection). The other counts included: hemoglobin at 11.1 and platelets at 157,000. All of this is looking really good! The nurse said that they don't even consider him neutropenic (susceptible to infection) anymore. :) I am so relieved!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Medication Change-up

Well since I got home last Thursday, I've had horrible headaches. Laying down eased them quite a bit and sleeping was even better. We were warned before leaving the hospital that there was a strong likelihood that the headaches I was having in the hospital would continue. After a miserable weekend and start of the week where I was sleeping ~16 hr/day, Melissa finally got ahold of one of Dr. Cripe's nurses. She explained how bad my headaches were and how much I was sleeping so the nurse went to Dr. Cripe who said to stop taking Atra (the pills that were meant to block the gene transfer associated with my cancer) immediately. He said that the headaches were very likely due to swelling in my brain and that bleeding in my brain is a concern now. The nurse gave Melissa a list of things to watch out for such as blurred vision but I haven't experienced any of them.

I've taken Atra for a week now (last dose was yesterday morning) and was only supposed to take it for another week. Today when I woke up, my headaches were gone so that's a relief. I was a little disappointed to stop taking medicine that my doctors had decided would be good for me but this is obviously more important.

I'm supposed to be trying my best not to get sick for the next week or so. My blood work from Monday came back and my white blood cells had dropped from 4600 to 2000 since I left the hospital. For the most part, I'm staying holed up indoors but it's hard to resist going out for food. I suppose I could have a worst week to stay inside, I will probably be sick of golf after the next four days though.
