Anniversary in French Lick

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Premature Excitement

I just got the results from the blood drawn at 10am this morning, and the white blood cells are back down to 200, which is too low to accurately count. Maybe all of the excitement about bone marrow function returning was a little premature. The hemotologists have been saying that the average time is 24 to 28 days after the first dose of chemo, and today is Eric's 24th day. Also, it could take a little longer with him, since he's been so sick. We still have time. I'll try to contain my excitement and wait till we have a more definite count to tell everyone next time.



  1. no need to contain your excitement. I like hearing as much news as you have time to write. Keep up the good work Team Eric!
    Love, Ann

  2. Ann is right! keep the excitement going, it's infectious, in a good way. Hope and courage go hand in hand and have a way of reaching the desired results.

    The team of "Eric "The Invincible" Lonn" is one mighty some-a-na-gun and together we can do anything! So keep your sights positive, your heart hopeful, and your prayers heartfelt.

    Take Care and God Bless

  3. That's so great to hear! Also, fantastic to hear about being removed from the 24 hour dialysis. He's really coming along and we're all really pulling for him.
