Anniversary in French Lick

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sorry for the long time in between posts. Not a whole lot new happening, trying to get stronger.

Starting on Saturday I've started walking up and down a flight of stairs with the crutches under one arm and the other hand on a railing to simulate going up to our second floor where the bedrooms and shower are at home.

I've been walking 200' at a time with the crutches but start getting tired around the 150' mark and my knees start buckling. This weakness caused my discharge date to be pushed back today. Up until the doctors got together with the therapists around lunchtime, they were thinking tomorrow was a possibility but Friday was more realistic. I also learned that insurance won't pay for therapy on the day of discharge. I'm not happy with it but agree with my doctor's conclusion that waiting until Saturday is the right move. This will then leave a week and a half at home before going back in for more chemo.

This morning, they got me going early so that I could do my first OT session of the day in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. I made scrambled eggs only to come back to my breakfast tray full of more scrambled eggs. I made sure I didn't order any eggs for tomorrow. I'm finding what I'm sure most of you will think is obvious, walking and standing is one thing - doing it with a hot pan and breakable dishes is a completely new challenge.

A bit of news that really put a smile on my face today, I'm going to get a handicap sign for at least a year, as if I needed more confirmation. Who wants to ride with me to Smokehouse or the golf course?

Jeff, I'm steadily working through the Tower of Power cd's you sent, the nursing staff is loving them. I can't believe I didn't already own the entire What is Hip collection, I haven't heard half of theses songs. I have Howard Johnson and Gravity in the cue next, I'm starting to think the music choices are making me more friends than my charming personality.


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