Anniversary in French Lick

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday Midday

It's before noon and most of the doctors have stopped by! Normally, we'll be sitting in the room all day wondering when some of them will drop in. This is what they all had to say:

Critical Care:
Still see something in his lower right lung. It could be pneumonia, so they are switching around his antibiotics to target his lungs more. They took him off one broad range antibiotics yesterday and are switching the other today. They don't like keeping people on broad range antibiotics for too long, because it can cause species to become immune. They also said that it is possible that this area in his lung just looks worse because everything else is looking better. They think that his increase in oxygen requirement is due to his coughing up the mucus, which is good, too.

He's been off the dialysis filter for 19 hours, and his numbers still look fine. They said he does not need dialysis today, but will continue to watch. They have a feeling that he'll still need it, but he's going in the right direction.

I already passed on the information from the Ear, Nose and Throat docs as well as the hematologist. All in all, is sounded good today! Hopefully he continues to rest. He's had his eyes open yesterday and today. It was nice. His heart rate and blood pressure did not increase, so I don't think he was agitated, but I do think he was listening. I'm hoping that his procedure goes well tomorrow, we get some good news, and that they can start waking him up in the near future.


1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    We appreciate the posts so much! You guys are on our mind constantly. Last night at bedtime we were rushing through the routine because it was later than usual, and as I was laying Evelyn down she said, "Mimi, we forgot to pray for Mr. Eric!!" (That's how used to it she is- and she hasn't even met him!) So I said, "You're right, I'm sorry! Go ahead." And she said, "God, please be with Mr. Eric, Daddy's friend. Help the doctors to take care of him. And God, please help Miss Melissa, Daddy's other friend. Help her not to be scared." It was so precious. He answers the prayers of His children- so press on and know you are well covered in them!

    Love, the Bowe's
