Anniversary in French Lick

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend in Peoria

Melissa and I took a trip back to Peoria for the weekend. I drove Friday night which pushed the limits of what my back could take.

Saturday morning, Mom, Melissa and I went for a 2 mile bike ride. We then went out for lunch and then Dad, Melissa, Jon Jennings (a friend from school) and I went on into the Peoria Beerfest. It was a lot of fun, lots of good beer and music. After a few hours of standing and drinking, we went on home and ended up heading to one of my favorite steakhouses in Peoria for dinner. It was a long day and I ended up going to bed about 4 hours earlier than I usually do.

Early this morning I started paying the price. I was up from about midnight until 4am when I decided to take some pain killers and was able to sleep again. We did church this morning and then Melissa drove the rainy trip back to Lafayette.

In all, it was a good weekend, we didn't get to see some of the people we had wanted to but finding my limits now and then is a good thing.

Tomorrow, Melissa and I will head down to Indy to see Dr. Cripe. My blood counts still aren't high enough to check me in for more chemo but we'd still like to talk with him in person as he is going to be out of the office for a few more weeks when I'll likely be continuing my treatment.



  1. Man you should have called me for beerfest. That would been alot better than working in the yard in the rain.

  2. Hi Eric,

    I saw you at church but didn't get a chance to say hello. You look great!

    Becky Gropp

  3. I haven't been able to check in on this blog for a little while, and am excited about all the recovery I am seeing with these posts. I am so happy to see you making strides in your recovery. I am keeping you in my prayers, and encouraged by all that I have read during your illness. God Bless.
