Anniversary in French Lick

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Afternoon

They're still weening him off of the sedatives. He's definitely starting to open his eyes more and try to move around more. Slowly and surely!! They just did another blood gas, and everything was normal without dialysis!!! He is just doing better by leaps and bounds today! I think back to the news we got on Sunday, and look how far he's come. All of your thoughts and prayers are working!



  1. Wowee!! Make sure you tell him that was some kinda nap he took! :)
    Welcome back Eric!!

  2. Such wonderful news!!!! We so wanted Eric to wake up and be able to talk to Melissa and all his family. We will keep praying that there is continuing good news for Eric and everyone.

    Chuck and Floy

  3. AWESOME! That is the best news. I will continue to keep him and your family in my thoughts. But I am so excited for you all about the good news. That is awesome. He is such a fighter. GO ERIC GO!

  4. Awesome! Ask the nurses if scotch comes in an IV.
