Anniversary in French Lick

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Heading Home

I just received my last round of chemo this morning and we'll be getting discharged in the next few hours.

I haven't felt the chemo at all, it's been the other meds that have been messing with my system. They've adjusted those though so I feel pretty comfortable with the pills I'm heading home with.

Sounds like I'm going to need to stay away from crowds and sick people for a few weeks starting now but the real effects from the chemo shouldn't start kicking in for another 7-10 days.

I also finally got the clearing to drive a car this morning so I'm pretty excited about that. We've been trying to set up a meeting with my neurologist all week but apparently the message never got passed along. He was able to give the okay to drive over the phone but wasn't willing to take me off the anti-seizure medicines until I see him in person which won't be until May 28, unfortunately.

I hear it's supposed to be pretty nice outside. I can see IUPUI students (go JAGS!) walking around in shorts and t-shirts so I'm looking forward to getting out and getting home.



  1. Eric and Melissa,
    Great news! Going home and getting to drive!!
    Hope the effects of chemo aren't too terrible when they do kick in.
    Take care and Happy Easter!!
    Floy and Chuck

  2. Hey! I am glad that the chemo went well and that you are headed home! I wanted to share the great news!!! Jon and I are parents! I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Mar 31st. Her name is Anna. We are doing well, but are a little tired. Hopefully she lets us get some sleep tonight. :-)

    Take care and feel better soon!


  3. You have got to take the mkVI gti for a spin :)
