Anniversary in French Lick

Monday, February 8, 2010

Moving to Lafayette!

Eric's making the move to Lafayette this afternoon! He'll be going to Seton, which is located in St. Elizabeth Hospital off of Union. There, he will get a lot more attention for rehab and getting stronger. I'm really excited to be close to home again. My mom already drove up to the house yestserday with our dog, so I'll get to see him, too!! I need to finish packing everything up (you tend to accumulate a lot of stuff in the hospital rooms when you stay there for 2 months). I'll be sure to write a post this evening on how everything went!



  1. Fantastic news Melissa. Please post up his address (or the house) so we can continue to send care packages!

  2. That is awesome news. It will be nice for you to be at home again after 2 months. Hope all continues to go well.

  3. That is wonderful news! Another milestone for a Purdue grad! Hope he enjoyed the game yesterday. All of the Chillicothe scouts and families are excited for his wonderful progress. Will continue to keep all in our thoughts and prayers!
    Love, Tim,Mary,Roman & Mandy
